Shane Colquhoun
Shane Colquhoun, Ph.D., is a Grammy-nominated music educator with a diverse musical background in music education and production. He is the Assistant Professor of Music Technology and Contemporary Music Styles at Alabama State University.
Dr. Colquhoun completed his Ph.D. in Music Education from Auburn University, a Master of Education in Music, and a Master of Education in the Administration of Higher Education, both from Auburn University, and the Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Technology and Business from Bethune-Cookman University. Dr. Colquhoun was the Director of Bands at Loachapoka High School for fourteen years before his appointment at ASU. At ASU, Dr.Colquhoun teaches music technology and music education courses and courses focused on studying African-American musical styles in contemporary classical and commercial musical settings.
He has published in General Music Today, The Media Journal in Music Education, and has written chapters in the books Places and Purposes of Popular Music Education: Perspectives from the Field, Action-Based Approaches in Popular Music Education, and co-authored a chapter in the International Handbook of Middle-Level Education, Theory, Research, and Policy.