Unlocking Student Creativity Through Composition


by David Getz  (115 pages + Downloadable Presentations)

This is an eBook for digital download.

Unlocking Student Creativity through Composition is the perfect book for any teacher or student who wants to begin their Music Composition journey.  Written in practical terms with one too many pop culture references, Getz uses his student composition group, the Composers’ Guild, as an example of how student creativity can blossom through the development of this craft.  Through the unity of intentional Education and exciting Experiences, you can find the Inspiration needed to unlock your creativity today!


The Unlocking Student Creativity through Composition is the perfect book for any teacher or student who wants to begin their Music Composition journey.  Building on a decade’s worth of hands-on experience in teaching rookie, student composers, Getz shows how easy and powerful the craft of music composition can be for developing musicians.  His after-school composition group, the Composers’ Guild, annually presents a recital of world premieres through an amazing evening event called In Their Own Write.  Getz trains his composers through several workshops that introduce and foster compositional techniques that can be applied across a wide range of musical experience.

The book is laid out in two parts.  The first walks the reader through the essential workshops needed for a student to go from a blank page to a finished piece of music.  The second part focuses on creating an experience where that music can be heard and their creativity celebrated with their family, friends, and community.  Along the way, you will find lesson plan templates, audio and video examples from Composers’ Guild students, and one too many analogies built off of Christopher Nolan movies.  This is the perfect book for any teacher who wishes to cultivate an atmosphere of creativity in their classroom, as well as for any student who wishes to start writing music today!

About the Author

David Getz is the Orchestra Director at Morton High School in Central Illinois as well as the conductor of the Central Illinois Concert Orchestra, an ensemble within the Youth Music Illinois organization.  Getz received his BME from Illinois Wesleyan University (‘12) and his MME from Illinois St. University (‘21).  He founded the Composers’ Guild at Morton High School in 2012, and his students have premiered more than 80 compositions since its inception.

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