• Interactive eBook This is an eBook for digital download. Each purchase comes with a PDF version of the book and an interactive flipbook with sound.  Ms. Niki’s Music in the Air eBook takes children on a journey to discover sounds that are always around us. In the story, Ms. Niki asks children in her Music class to listen closely to the sounds and the rhythmic patterns in the air. First, Ms. Niki’s Music Class follows her to the playground to discover the sounds of music. Those sounds include the clapping of children cheering. Next, they begin to clap to the beat. Then Ms. Niki gets the children to hear the rhythms of the stomps from children dancing. Lastly, she points out the pattern of sounds from the insects in the trees. Note: To access the interactive flipbook, you must check out with an account, not anonymously.
  • Interactive eBook This is an eBook for digital download. Each purchase comes with a PDF version of the book and an interactive flipbook with sound. 
    “Music is Bananas,” written by Javel Perriel, is about a bunch of famous yellow fruit and their adventure before their big show. Join them on their journey as they share their love for each other, music, and family. 
    Note: To access the interactive flipbook, you must check out with an account, not anonymously. Bundle and save! Use the code "bananas" at checkout and receive $5 off when you purchase this with the teaching guide. 
  • This is a digital eBook for immediate download Music is Bananas teaching guide is a companion product to the interactive flipbook, Music is Bananas. Use this guide to craft and execute engaging lessons that connect music-making with science and technology. Bundle and save! Use the code "bananas" at checkout and save $5 when you purchase this product with the book, Music is Bananas.
  • by Amelia Garbisch

    (22 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Orff On a Budget is a book for PreK-8 music educators who try to make the most of a music program on a limited budget.  Within the book, music educators will find detailed arrangements, music activities, chants, movement, and games to help music educators use Orff Schulwerk in classrooms that do not have a traditional instrumentarium or Orff Instruments.
  • by Elise Hackl

    (41 Pages) This is an eBook for digital download.  Our Voices, Our Song is a story that demonstrates music is for everyone! There are so many ways to engage with music, and this story explores how people can participate in music-making in their own ways. This interactive PDF includes sheet music and recordings.    
  • This product comes with:

    • an MP3 recording of "Party on the Playground"
    • an instrumental MP3 recording of "Party on the Playground"
    • a digital teaching guide with lesson plans, lyrics, activities, and a rhythm stick routine to accompany the track
    • sheet music "Party on the Playground" including a vocal score and Orff arrangement
    It's a party on the playground, and you're all invited! Join Otto, Franklin, and Alicia for a high-energy party that will enliven your music classroom through music and movement. This bundle includes an original song, Party on the Playground, with lesson plans, a rhythm stick routine, sheet music, and an original Orff arrangement. Show your students that music is everywhere and provide them with the tools they need to engage in cooperative, creative learning. Sample Track:
  • by Zachary Himelhoch

    Illustrations by Daniel Formidoni Priscilla Plays Percussion is the story of a young monkey whose life is changed the day her dad brings home a drum and she discovers her passion for percussion. Follow Priscilla as she explores different types of drums and percussion instruments.    
  • by Zachary Himelhoch

    illustrations by Daniel Formidoni The teaching guide for Priscilla Plays Percussion aims to help parents and teachers connect with their young learners and to bring Priscilla beyond the page to create a holistic literary experience. This teaching guide is aimed to serve a wide range of students and can be easily adapted to be engaging for younger and older students simultaneously.    
  • This is an eBook for digital download (58 pages) Are you over the monotonous "I sing, you sing" to teach music program repertoire? This book will help you turn that monotony into a vibrant experience as you discover the power of nine practical strategies that will transform your program preparation rehearsals. Learn how to keep young learners engaged and captivated while ensuring you are organized and prepared for your next program. This must-read book is designed to support educators at all stages of their career, offering practical guidance and fresh ideas to elevate your teaching.
  • by Yeshima

    (30 pages) This is an eBook for digital download.  How can we use music to create a better world? The purpose of this book is to help solve real-world problems using discovery, inspiration, and music creation. From creating music videos that bring awareness to the water crisis in Africa to creating music lesson vodcasts, this resource includes five project-based learning lessons for grades 1-5 and assessment rubrics.
  • Rosie Rocks! Flipbook PREORDER

    $15.00 Available May 24, 2024.
    It's everyone's favorite day in music class: instrument selection day! Join Rosie as she learns how to use her voice, work with others, and play the instrument she has always dreamed of playing: the electric guitar.  Get $7 off when preordering with the Rosie Rocks! interactive flipbook:  
  • Royal Recorders


    by Donna Rhodenizer

    This is an e-book for digital download. Purchase includes PDF and audio files. This comprehensive recorder curriculum engages students as they move through 13 levels of song challenges to earn Knight levels. Created by Donna Rhodenizer, veteran music educator and composer, Royal Recorders is customizable to any recorder program. Purchase the teaching guide and student books separately or bundle and save! Each variation comes with high quality backing tracks and teaching videos for additional support. (more info below)


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