• Empowering Ensembles with Technology


    by Theresa Hoover

    (65 pages) This is an eBook for digital download.  This book is a one-stop-shop for music teachers looking to get started, or expand their experiences, with technology in the classroom. Help your students see themselves as musicians both inside and outside the music room by empowering them in the ensemble setting. *New in 2023: The updated 2nd edition includes updates to tech tools with new additions for tools in the classroom.
  • by Edward Varner

    (40 Pages) This is an eBook for digital download.  How can we effectively advocate for the value of ensemble programs? Many educators and parents remain unaware of the value of the school band beyond obvious, natural entertainment contexts and find it easy to devalue school band along with other arts programming. This text highlights evidence that supports music and school band as methods to achieve improved student success in school. This eBook will better inform decisions that school administrators make about existing scheduling challenges and financial dilemmas facing American schools.    
  • by Heather Fortune

    (44 pages) This is an eBook for digital download.  This book will empower you to create student-centered programs, utilize powerful tech tools, and build community through music. Drawing for decades of experience, Heather Fortune provides inspiration to question and re-imagine school instrumental programs.
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