AI for the Art and Music Classroom


by Patrick K. Cooper and Donna Ream

(78 pages)

This is an electronic resource for digital download. 

This book is meant to provide a working knowledge of the rapidly changing world of artificial intelligence (AI) in art and music education. The goal of this book is to equip art and music educators with foundational AI knowledge and resources that can be used today. Additional guidance is provided for using AI as a personal virtual assistant or to develop an intelligent tutor system for students. All resources include links to help you get started right away! The deluxe version comes with 5 high-res posters that can be printed and used in the classroom.


The world of AI is rapidly progressing and becoming a part of our daily lives as arts educators. Are you familiar with these terms: Generative AI, Weak AI, ITS, LLMs, Prompt Engineering, Anthropomorphism, and Virtual Assistant?

Part One of AI for the Art and Music Classroom is your guide to understanding these concepts and more. Regardless of your current comfort level with technology, this book helps you start using AI to enhance your classroom.

In Part Two, learn about various resources available to engage your students. AI can be used to brainstorm, create, compare styles or genres, and provide adaptive learning experiences for individual learners. In addition to universal resources for educators, you’ll discover specific resources tailored for art or music classrooms.

Part Three takes AI concepts to the next level, demonstrating how simple inputs can create your own personal virtual assistant or a customized tutoring system for your students.

Part Four is your practical guide to implementing what you’ve learned, complete with links to every resource mentioned in the book and an expanded glossary of terms. AI will not replace what we do. However, those who know how to use AI will replace those who do not! Take the next step in your journey as an arts educator and explore the exciting tools available to you and your students.

Additional information


eBook, deluxe eBook

About the Authors

Patrick K. Cooper, Ph.D., is a social entrepreneur, educator, musician, researcher, and author from Mesa, Arizona. His publications can be found in research journals such as Psychology of Music, International Journal of Music Education, and Journal of Popular Music Education, as well as in edited volumes such as The Learner Centered Music Classroom and The Music Technology Cookbook. Cooper currently teaches at the University of South. He gives guest lectures and workshops around the country on learner-centered pedagogy, music technology, hip-hop, and psychology research. Learn More–>

Donna Ream has a BFA from Tyler School of Art, Temple University as well as an MEd from Cabrini University and an MA in Arts Administration from Kutztown University. She has been a high school visual arts educator since 2013. She also creates and sells bespoke ceramic work out of her home studio in Philadelphia, PA. Learn More–>


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