Peyton Beebe
Peyton Beebe is an aspiring music educator. Peyton grew up in Bethany Beach, DE, coming from the Indian River School District. Since the 5th grade, she has shown her passion and love of music all throughout her schooling career. She is currently in her fourth year at West Chester University, studying Music Education with a concentration in Oboe. Peyton is finishing up her last semester of classes and is preparing to enter student teaching next semester. Peyton is involved in WCU’s NAfME-C Chapter serving as Community Outreach Chair, and is a Brother of the honorary band fraternity Kappa Kappa Psi, serving as their Assistant Vice President of Membership. She is on the Dean’s List and has been involved in the Incomparable Golden Rams Marching Band, Symphony Orchestra, Wind Symphony, Concert Band, Basketball Band, and more. Peyton interns for Music Service Learning, and has taught for Windish Productions and the Advanced Music Network. Peyton couldn’t be more excited to enter the music education field, and cannot wait to bring her SEL and empathetic approach to the classroom. Peyton has loved being able to intern for F-Flat this semester!
eBooks by Peyton Beebe
Posts by Peyton Beebe
More Than A Music Teacher: David Getz and Anna Mounts
What makes you #morethanamusicteacher? In this blog series inspired by Franklin Willis’ Book, More Than A Music Teacher, we invited teachers around the world to share their stories. Today, we’ll hear from David Russell Getz and [...]
More Than A Music Teacher: Elizabeth Shier and Crystal Briley
What makes you #morethanamusicteacher? In this blog series inspired by Franklin Willis’ Book, More Than A Music Teacher, we invited teachers around the world to share their stories. Today, we’ll hear from Elizabeth Shier and Crystal [...]
The Value of a Values Statement for your Music Department
Like many music educators, I experienced a major shock during my first few months of teaching: Even though I knew how to play all the instruments, sing all the songs, and teach all the music… Very [...]
Reflections on Cultivating a Daily Creative Practice: #asongadayinjan
Intro I’ve always been inspired by my dear friend, Sarah Gulish, to take on the “Song A Day Challenges” over the last couple of years. I only just began my songwriting journey three years ago and [...]
My Favorite Portable Instrument for the Classroom
I spent the first four years of my teaching career with zero instruments for my high school general music class. We had nothing, and I was told there was no budget for my class. I tried [...]