• by Amelia Garbisch

    (35 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Teaching Music in the Virtual Classroom: Elementary Edition contains comprehensive lesson plans and teaching resources designed for distance learning in Elementary Music. Within its pages, you will find tips and strategies to help plan creative lessons using the "CEEMS" method of virtual teaching (collaborate, energize, engage, motivate, support).  Activities include interactive music games, energizing and amusing short activities, and collaborative ideas to help motivate and engage your students.
  • by Michelle Rose

    ( 82 pages + dozens of downloadable files) This is an eBook for digital download.  When Michelle Rose first started teaching music online, she felt like she went straight back to her first year of teaching and there wasn’t much guidance available for K-12 music educators, especially in regards to performance ensembles. Teaching Music Online: A Comprehensive Guide for K-12 Music Educators is full of everything Michelle learned during her experience of teaching music at a full time virtual school. Her book is a balance of practical advice, innovative teaching strategies, and educational philosophy designed to help teachers transition into online music education.
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