Donna Weston
Donna Weston is Deputy Director (Learning and Teaching), Head of Popular Music, and Program Director of the Bachelor of Music with Honours at the Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University, Australia. She is also the Conservatorium’s International Advisor. Donna lectures in popular music history and semiotic analysis and has a particular passion for collaborative learning and peer-assessment as integral to popular music education. She is convenor of the Musical Livelihoods stream of the Conservatorium’s Research Centre. As a Program Director over the past 12 years, Donna has made significant and on-going changes to several degree designs, keeping in line with both emerging music pedagogy and research as well as the rapid changes in the music industry. Currently, she is engaged in exploring pathways for the intersection of Popular Music Studies and popular music practice at tertiary level, and musical livelihoods for all music graduates. A significant component of her research is also situated in ecomusicology.
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Posts by Donna Weston
May we remember
We texted, we called, we made jokes, we became angry [...]
Music Service Learning Update: Week 2
Elementary Honors Choir Alternative - written by Theresa Sharp Like [...]
We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails
Since our schools closed their doors almost five weeks ago, [...]
Making YouTube teaching videos: Three steps to success
My first teaching video was inspired by a group of [...]
Music Service Learning Update: Week 1
F-flat Books has partnered with #musicservicelearning, an organization led by [...]
Remote Music Teaching: Teaching students with special needs
First of all, I am going to ask us all [...]