Requests for Success: Music Education Majors Weigh in on Their “Post-COVID” Education Experience

By |2024-03-06T13:49:02-05:00March 6th, 2024|Higher Education, Research, Research to Practice, Stories, Students, Teaching, Teaching Philosophy|

The COVID-19 pandemic was, and some could argue still is, a historical event that continues to impact music education and students. Despite the ongoing ripple effects of such a critical event in human history, it almost feels inappropriate to talk about in professional settings. Though, when I discuss [...]

Research to Practice: Self-Care is More Than Finding Your “Why”

By |2023-10-03T10:47:14-05:00October 3rd, 2023|Higher Education, Inspiration, Research, Research to Practice, Stories, Teaching|

I was speaking with a student teacher about experiencing burnout symptoms and why finding their preferred self-care practices is important. In our discussion, I had mentioned that the most commonly stated piece of advice (whether given as real advice or delivered with an eye roll) is to remember your “why.” Our discussion was helpful, but I realized that the field of teaching can be just as rewarding as it is prickly.

Research in action: Student perceptions of a composition project within a concert band setting

By |2022-07-22T16:36:35-05:00January 28th, 2020|Band, Higher Education, Instumental, Musicians, Orchestra, Research, Teaching, Writing|

Background This past year, I spent a lot of my time investigating and researching student perceptions of  composition projects that they were completing in their band class. This research was for my master’s field project but the entire process was incredibly enlightening and informative. The research showed [...]

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