Requests for Success: Music Education Majors Weigh in on Their “Post-COVID” Education Experience

By |2024-03-06T13:49:02-05:00March 6th, 2024|Higher Education, Research, Research to Practice, Stories, Students, Teaching, Teaching Philosophy|

The COVID-19 pandemic was, and some could argue still is, a historical event that continues to impact music education and students. Despite the ongoing ripple effects of such a critical event in human history, it almost feels inappropriate to talk about in professional settings. Though, when I discuss [...]

Research to Practice: Self-Care is More Than Finding Your “Why”

By |2023-10-03T10:47:14-05:00October 3rd, 2023|Higher Education, Inspiration, Research, Research to Practice, Stories, Teaching|

I was speaking with a student teacher about experiencing burnout symptoms and why finding their preferred self-care practices is important. In our discussion, I had mentioned that the most commonly stated piece of advice (whether given as real advice or delivered with an eye roll) is to remember your “why.” Our discussion was helpful, but I realized that the field of teaching can be just as rewarding as it is prickly.

Research to Practice: Inclusion Means Everyone

By |2021-02-22T14:08:39-05:00February 23rd, 2021|Research to Practice|

For the past few years, the field of music education has talked about an increased need for diversity and equity in classrooms. However, as I’ve listened to these calls for change, I frequently see that for many people, diversity and inclusion encompasses only race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, orientation, and socioeconomic status. And while these are all aspects of music education that certainly need to change, I hold firm to the belief that we cannot have truly diverse or inclusive classrooms until we also include people with disabilities. [...]

Research to Practice: Informal Music Teaching

By |2021-02-02T07:35:12-05:00February 2nd, 2021|Research to Practice|

Action research is a great way to break into thinking about ways to improve what you teach, how you teach, and how students learn. I would even go as far as to suggest that most teachers are already doing this in their classrooms. Action research doesn’t have to be formal or fancy. It just starts with a spark of wonder or an idea. [...]

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