From Across the Street


(9 customer reviews)

From Across the Street takes Pati, an American Dominican girl who visits her Grandmother in the Dominican Republic during the summertime, on a musical exploration into one of the most widely spread Dominican folkloric musical traditions, “Los Palos.” Readers will enjoy learning about the different sounds and instruments in the culture of the Dominican Palos tradition.

Del otro lado de la calle lleva a Pati, una niña dominicana estadounidense que va a visitar a su abuela a la República Dominicana en los veranos, a una exploración musical de una de las tradiciones folclóricas musicales dominicanas más difundidas, los Palos. Los lectores disfrutarán aprendiendo sobre los diferentes sonidos e instrumentos en la cultura de la tradición dominicana de los Palos.

This is a digital download that includes a PDF and a web-based interactive flipbook. Bundle and save! Use the code “street” and get $5 off when you purchase this WITH the accompanying teaching guide.


From Across the Street takes Pati, an American Dominican girl who visits her Grandmother in the Dominican Republic during the summertime, on a musical exploration into one of the most widespread Dominican folkloric musical traditions, “Los Palos.” Nurtured by her Mami (Mommy) and Abuelita (Granny), Pati learns about the instruments, rhythmic patterns, singing, and meaning embedded in the musical expression.

She learns about the people in the neighborhood and how they are a big part of the tradition, whose journey ends with an astounding communal musical experience in the Parque del Pueblo (the park of the town). At this celebration, the townspeople gather to play the instruments and patterns Pati heard on her way to the park. She overcomes her fears and finally joins in with her maracas. Pati is welcomed to the community and becomes one with the people in a big celebration of life and love!

Del otro lado de la calle lleva a Pati, una niña dominicana estadounidense que va a visitar a su abuela a la República Dominicana en los veranos, a una exploración musical de una de las más difundidas tradiciones folclóricas musicales del país, los Palos. Motivada por su mamá y abuelita, Pati aprende sobre los instrumentos, los patrones rítmicos, los cantos y el significado asociado con esta expresión musical.

Ella aprende sobre la gente del vecindario y cómo forman parte de la tradición, cuyo viaje termina con una asombrosa experiencia musical comunitaria en el parque del pueblo. En esta celebración, la gente del pueblo se reúne para tocar los instrumentos y patrones que Pati escuchó en su camino al parque. Ella supera sus miedos y finalmente se une con sus maracas. Pati es bienvenida a la comunidad y se aúna con la gente, en una gran celebración a la vida y al amor.

This product comes with: 

  • PDF Book of From Across the Street (English)
  • PDF Book of Del Otro Lado De La Calle (Spanish)
  • Link to web-based interactive flipbook with both English and Spanish versions. Flipbook includes narration and music from the Dominican Republic.

Bundle and save! Use the code “street” and get $5 off when you purchase this WITH the accompanying teaching guide.

About the Author

Wanda Vásquez Garcia is an ABAR general music educator, choir director, advocate, and clinician. A proud Afro-Latina native of the Dominican Republic currently living in Colorado,  she holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, the first University on the American Continent, and a Master’s Degree in Music Education with an emphasis on choral music from the University of Northern Colorado. You can learn more about Wanda here–>

Sócrates Garcia is a composer, arranger, producer, recording engineer, bandleader, guitarist, and educator. He currently is an Associate Professor of Music and Director of Music Technology at the prestigious Jazz Studies Program of the University of Northern Colorado. As an arranger/producer and recording engineer, his work is found on numerous albums and a myriad of side-projects. Dr. Garcia’s recording and performing credits include the Grammy-winning album Yo Por Ti by Olga Tañon; Milly Quezada’s Tesoros de mi Tierra (14 on Billboard’s Tropical Song charts); and national and international performances with the Socrates Garcia Latin Jazz Orchestra, among others. You can learn more about Sócrates here–>



9 reviews for From Across the Street

  1. socwand777

    Hoy ve la luz From Across the Street, una excelente producción de mis muy apreciados colegas y amigos Socrates Garcia y Wanda Vasquez Garcia quienes, apoyados en sus raices, nuestras tradiciones dominicanas, como la música, ritualidad y el baile de los palos o atabales, muestran las posibilidades pedagógicas que encierra el patrimonio cultural inmaterial, a la vez que facilitan con este material la comprensión de una de las expresiones sincréticas más extendida geográficamente, y de mayor práctica durante el año. Espero que como ellos, Luis Dias, Juan Luis Guerra y tantos otros, se siga la ruta de nuestros artistas e intelectuales de proyección internacional que recuerdan mirar las tradiciones de su nación.

    Prof. Edis Sanchez

  2. socwand777

    Today sees the light From Across the Street, an excellent production of my very dear colleagues and friends Socrates Garcia and Wanda Vasquez Garcia who, supported by their roots, our Dominican traditions, such as music, rituality, and the dance of Los Palos or Atabales, show the pedagogical possibilities that intangible cultural heritage contains while facilitating with this material the understanding of one of the most geographically widespread syncretic expressions, and of greater practice during the year. I hope that like them and Luis Dias, Juan Luis Guerra and so many others, the route of our artists and intellectuals of international projection who remember to look at the traditions of their nation will be followed.

    Prof. Edis Sanchez

  3. Missy Strong

    What a great book! The main character is a young girl who goes to visit her Abuela each summer in the town of Villa Mella (Dominican Republic). She has been anxiously awaiting the chance to see her Abuela sing and play in a huge festival, la Fiesta de Palos, a real festival celebrated mostly in rural areas across the country.

    Not only is she able to see her grandmother actively participate in the huge celebration, she herself gets to participate in the music festivities after learning about several different folkloric instruments (many of them with African origins) along the way. What’s more, WE get to learn about these instruments along with her! The illustrations are fun and colorful and I absolutely love the fact that you can hear it being read in both Spanish and English and that there is a glossary in the back to help you as you read.

    What a joy to see a story in which a child is so excited about, proud of, and invested in their family, community, and cultural heritage!

  4. F. Javier Vargas

    Una joya de documento educacional que muestra el folclore dominicano desde una perspectiva divertida, practica sin dejar de ser un material de mucha profundidad diactica.

    A gem of an educational document that shows Dominican folklore from a fun, practical perspective while remaining a material of great diactic depth.

  5. Ally V. (verified owner)

    This book is an absolute gem!! Such a joyful story, with a lot of heart and a lesson for all. I learned a great deal about the La Fiesta de Palos festival and instruments and the traditions involved. The illustrations are really beautiful and imaginative. Definitely will be showing this to my friends and family and future music students.

  6. Teo De la Cruz (verified owner)

    Es emocionante trasladarse a sus raises mientras uno lee y escucha esos términos tan nuestros. Excelente narración y muy bien ilustrado. Si yo, aunque soy dominicano, he aprendido tanto sobre este elemento de nuestra tradición, imagino lo educativo que será el libro para otras culturas. Espero que este libro sea solo el primero de muchos otros, en los que se expongan de forma tan divertida los elementos inherentes de nuestra cultura.

  7. Helena von Rueden

    My two daughters ( 7 and 10) who are not familiar with the musical traditions of the Dominican Republic were entranced by the drumming! It’s beautifully and expertly done in a way that is accessible to those unfamiliar with the music. The drawings, text, and narration provide an informative window into the musical instruments and traditions of the DR for a broad range of ages. As an adult, I also learned a lot! Thank you to the authors, illustrators, and musicians!

  8. Rosa Whitney (verified owner)

    I think this book should be the first one of a series of books that talk about the different rhythms and genres of the Dominican music. I love the way that the story is presented to readers. Even those that know a little bit about Dominican music and its traditions, can afford to learn more!

  9. Kelley Carmichael Casey (verified owner)

    From Across the Street is an extraordinary achievement by the talented Garcias. I learned much and I’m eager to share the experience with my dual-cultural granddaughters. Astrid Garcia is a wonderful narrator of the version in English. Bravo! I hope there are more of Pati’s experiences to come!

    Dr. Kelley Carmichael Casey

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