Sale!Embark on a lively digital adventure with "Get Out, Beetle!" - an interactive picture book that brings the hilarious escapades of Blake, Jake, and Drake to life. Join Jes as she navigates the wild antics of these musical beetles, from keeping her up late to transforming her house into a bug-filled zoo. Purchase the digital flipbook and teaching guide separately or bundle and save!
by Sarah Gulish
This is an eBook for digital download. There is growing evidence that a regular gratitude practice will improve well-being and mental health. However, what does it look like to have a regular classroom gratitude practice? This resource contains 50 journal prompts/discussion questions centered on ten themes of gratitude. The questions are general enough to apply to any music classroom at any age level. -
This is an eBook for immediate download (133 pages) Guide to Teachable Features in Popular Music is a resource for music teachers at all levels. Written by a practicing music teacher who has taught PK-12 music, this book provides thoughtful reflections and concrete examples of teaching basic music theory concepts through popular music. This work includes a decade’s worth of compiled songs with teachable features, so there’s sure to be something for learning at all levels. -
by Doug Large
(60 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Harmony and Composition made easy with NUMU is designed for the academic calendar with exercises, tests, mid-year and final exams. Once a musician understands even a little harmony (how chords are built) and composition (how chords fit together), it sets them free. An in depth study of Harmony & Composition from a ground-breaking, simplified perspective. Music is based on interval formulas. Only NUMU (Number Music) can clearly illustrate these formulas. This eBook comes with a separate PDF containing midterm and final exams! -
by Alice Tsui
This is a digital resource for immediate download The "Hello Good Morning" Purpose and Teaching Guide by Alice Tsui is a digital resource that accompanies the arrangement "Hello Good Morning" as a culturally responsive and sustaining selection that can help build community in the music classroom! Adaptable for students Pre-K through 5th Grades with extension activities for 6th through 12th Grades, this resource includes both a teaching guide and student reflection guide as downloadable PDFs. -
This is a digital resource.This google slideshow and downloadable PDF will show you how to create your own musicianship guide for your choral students to accompany repertoire. Highlighting the essential elements and musical ideas found in your repertoire not only helps students to learn the music faster, but also with more confidence. Included are YouTube tutorials, editable templates, and step-by-step instructions with examples.
Sale!This includes an eBook for digital download & a Mock interview with Marissa and Kevin Receive a $15 discount when purchasing both Hustle to the Start AND a mock interview with the authors. Hustle to the Start by Kevin Feher & Marissa Guarriello This practical e-book is packed with tips and tricks about the interview process just for music educators. It includes a downloadable resume template, walk you through designing an e-portfolio, and include mock interviews and interviews with administrators all on the topic of interviewing for music educator positions! Mock Interview Marissa & Kevin will spend an hour putting you through a mock interview. When you sign up for a time slot, you will be asked what kind of music education job you're hoping for so you receive questions specific to just you! The first half of the hour will be the mock interview and the second half hour will be spent talking through critique with time left for your questions! Join us to sharpen your skills! BULK Bundles for Organizations/Institutions See table below!
Sale!This checklist, based on Hustle to the Start by Kevin Feher & Marissa Guarriello, will help music educators prepare for interviews.
Sale!This summary, based on Hustle to the Start by Kevin Feher & Marissa Guarriello, will help music educators prepare for interviews.
by Kevin Feher & Marissa Guarriello ( 56 pages)
This is an eBook for digital download. Are you a music educator looking to kick-start your career and crush the interview process? This practical e-book is packed with tips and tricks about the interview process just for music educators. The book is written by music teachers who have been through the process as candidates and as panel members! They include information on building your professional documents, how to answer difficult questions, how to dress, how to navigate online interviews and more. PLUS they include a downloadable resume template, walk you through designing an e-portfolio, and include mock interviews and interviews with administrators all on the topic of interviewing for music educator positions! BULK Bundles for Organizations/Institutions See table below! -
This product comes with the "I Am Somebody":
- Teaching Guide
- MP3/WAV Full Recording
- MP3/WAV Instrumental Tracks and A Capella Tracks
- Teacher Vocal Score
- Studenty Lyric/Form Sheet
- Orff Arrangement Instrumental Sheet Music
- Orff Arrangement Body Percussion Sheet Music
- 100 Affirmation Examples
by Chelsea Dehner
(67 slides) This is digital resource. This resource provides everything you need to recreate a music performance project for your staff or your students. Through covering John Lennon's Imagine, school staff can build community and connect with their students, whether virtual or in-person. Use the editable files that accompany this tutorial to create meaning and have some fun with those around you!