• by Danielle Larrick

    (32 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Whether you’re a veteran teacher or just entering your teaching career, Middle School General Music: A Guidebook to Navigating the Unkown, will act as a guide to get you through your days. With tips and resources, this book will hopefully open a conversation geared specifically toward middle school general music so that we may continue to grow as musician educators.
  • by Sarah Gulish

    (47 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. The Comprehensive Beginning Guitar Curriculum is a must-read for any music educator tasked with teaching a modern guitar class. This detailed text provides philosophy, unit plans, and resources for the development and execution of a relevant and engaging guitar program. INCLUDES: • video examples • classroom handouts & assessments • a space for typing notes directly into the PDF
  • Keep the Drumming Alive


    by Nathaniel Strawbridge

    (19 pages) This is an eBook for digital download.  This eBook provides resources and visuals to "keep the drumming" alive in the music curriculum, whether in-person or virtual. Through the lens of Sinte drumming, Nathaniel Strawbridge provides teachers with the tools they need to facilitate drum circle instruction and encourage proper playing technique and sound production through helpful diagrams and a cultural-historical context.
  • The Oz Ukulele Method

    Purchase this with "The Oz Guitar Method" using the code "theozmethod" at checkout and receive $5 off! This is an eBook for digital download.  This beginning method book teaches chords and strumming for accompanying popular music. The curriculum is based on research in motor skill learning and is accessible to anyone wanting to learn to strum popular songs. The book includes an online video and audio companion.
  • by Doug Large

    (60 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Harmony and Composition made easy with NUMU is designed for the academic calendar with exercises, tests, mid-year and final exams. Once a musician understands even a little harmony (how chords are built) and composition (how chords fit together), it sets them free. An in depth study of Harmony & Composition from a ground-breaking, simplified perspective. Music is based on interval formulas. Only NUMU (Number Music) can clearly illustrate these formulas. This eBook comes with a separate PDF containing midterm and final exams!
  • Songwriting for Music Educators


    by Kat Reinhert and Sarah Gulish

    (63 pages) This is an eBook for digital download.  Do you want to write songs but don't know where to start? Are you an educator looking to incorporate more songwriting in the classroom but? This book is for you! From practical strategies to spaces for personal reflection, this interactive eBook provides tools and support for musicians and educators who want to embrace creativity and personal expression. Both Kat and Sarah bring decades of experience as songwriters and songwriting teachers to this important text. This download comes with links to dozens of additional resources. 
  • by Jessica Grant

    (177 pages) This is an eBook for digital download.  Bundle and Save! Use the code "tifortwo" at checkout and receive $5 off the accompanying Afternoon Ti Guide to Teaching Music: Journal. Whether you are a first-year teacher or have been teaching for many years, The Afternoon Ti Guide for Teaching Music has practical applications you can use for your personal teaching situation. Jessica shares what she has learned as an elementary and middle school general music teacher and provides guidance on incorporating fresh ideas into your classroom. You’ll read about numerous areas pertaining to music education including music approaches, time management and organization tips, rehearsal and performance preparation ideas, using technology in the classroom, how to talk with your administration, and more. Lesson plan examples are included throughout the book. The purpose of this book is to allow you to learn about tried and true methods for teaching music, gather new ideas for you to try, and provide specific ways to implement those ideas into your classroom. The Afternoon Ti Guide for Teaching Music Journal (purchased separately) allows you to take your learning one step further through journaling, writing personal insights, creating lessons, and looking at the things you love about teaching in a refreshing new light.
  • Empowering Ensembles with Technology


    by Theresa Hoover

    (65 pages) This is an eBook for digital download.  This book is a one-stop-shop for music teachers looking to get started, or expand their experiences, with technology in the classroom. Help your students see themselves as musicians both inside and outside the music room by empowering them in the ensemble setting. *New in 2023: The updated 2nd edition includes updates to tech tools with new additions for tools in the classroom.
  • by Michelle Rose

    ( 82 pages + dozens of downloadable files) This is an eBook for digital download.  When Michelle Rose first started teaching music online, she felt like she went straight back to her first year of teaching and there wasn’t much guidance available for K-12 music educators, especially in regards to performance ensembles. Teaching Music Online: A Comprehensive Guide for K-12 Music Educators is full of everything Michelle learned during her experience of teaching music at a full time virtual school. Her book is a balance of practical advice, innovative teaching strategies, and educational philosophy designed to help teachers transition into online music education.
  • Purchase this with "The Oz Ukulele Method" using the code "theozmethod" at checkout to receive $5 off! This is an eBook for digital download. This beginning method book teaches chords and strumming for accompanying popular music. The curriculum is based on research in motor skill learning and is accessible to anyone wanting to learn to strum popular songs. The book includes online video and audio companion.
  • Sale!

    Self-Care for Music Teachers

    Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $0.00.

    by Sarah Gulish & Danielle Larrick

    (20 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Want to know how to achieve a more balanced life as a music teacher? While there is no perfect formula to make life balanced and easy, there are ways in which we can create space and focus to avoid burnout and thrive in our careers. Backed by research and told through the experience of two music educators, this book provides practical tips for music teacher self-care through managing emotions, creating sound spaces, making music fun, outsourcing, and blocking time.
  • This is a digital resource.  This resource is intended for choral music classes and can be used either in person or through virtual instruction. Students select tonal patterns from their assigned repertoire, compose a new pattern in Noteflight, and transfer that pattern to Soundtrap for extension activities.
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