• by Doug Large

    (60 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Harmony and Composition made easy with NUMU is designed for the academic calendar with exercises, tests, mid-year and final exams. Once a musician understands even a little harmony (how chords are built) and composition (how chords fit together), it sets them free. An in depth study of Harmony & Composition from a ground-breaking, simplified perspective. Music is based on interval formulas. Only NUMU (Number Music) can clearly illustrate these formulas. This eBook comes with a separate PDF containing midterm and final exams!
  • by Steve Holley

    (150 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Coaching a Popular Music Ensemble is a comprehensive guide for the music teacher striving to meet the changing needs of their students, the university music educator examining our current music education paradigm, and the band director trying to expand their school’s music program. Using his broad experiences as an educator and Memphis musician, Holley details the philosophy and approaches he developed to create a culturally responsive, learner-driven popular music program.
  • by Matthew Clauhs

    This is an eBook for digital download. This e-book presents a variety of exploration, improvisation, and composition activities that foster creativity in young band students, and serves as a supplement to a traditional band method book. This interactive resource includes video examples, play-along accompaniments, lesson plans, and customizable worksheets, all designed to work with any instrumentation in small group and large group band settings
  • by Jessica Peresta

    (74 pages) This is an eBook for digital download.  Teaching elementary music is rewarding, yet exhausting, no matter if you’re a new or veteran teacher.  There are so many things that happen during any given day, and it can leave you feeling overwhelmed and maxed out when you’re not expecting it.   After reading through the pages of Make A Note, you’ll find your confidence, identify feelings that may have held you back, and will feel prepared to tackle any unexpected challenges that may come up during the school year.
  • by Yeshima

    (30 pages) This is an eBook for digital download.  How can we use music to create a better world? The purpose of this book is to help solve real-world problems using discovery, inspiration, and music creation. From creating music videos that bring awareness to the water crisis in Africa to creating music lesson vodcasts, this resource includes five project-based learning lessons for grades 1-5 and assessment rubrics.
  • by Chelsea Perrine

    (65 pages) This is an eBook for digital download.  In this book, you will find research to support a well-rounded and focused education for music students with special needs, templates for goal tracking and lesson planning, and suggestions for lessons and units for your students. This adaptive music curriculum is geared towards secondary-level students. This is the second publication in the Kent State Curriculum Series.
  • by Gareth Dylan Smith

    69 Pages This is an eBook for digital download. This book is aimed at intermediate to more advanced drummers. Written by a seasoned professional drummer and drum educator from London, England, Sound Advice for Drummers provides tips and provocations about practising, performing, rehearsing, recording and creating music from behind the drums. It is an essential read for aspiring professional drummers.
  • by Jessica Grant

    (177 pages) This is an eBook for digital download.  Bundle and Save! Use the code "tifortwo" at checkout and receive $5 off the accompanying Afternoon Ti Guide to Teaching Music: Journal. Whether you are a first-year teacher or have been teaching for many years, The Afternoon Ti Guide for Teaching Music has practical applications you can use for your personal teaching situation. Jessica shares what she has learned as an elementary and middle school general music teacher and provides guidance on incorporating fresh ideas into your classroom. You’ll read about numerous areas pertaining to music education including music approaches, time management and organization tips, rehearsal and performance preparation ideas, using technology in the classroom, how to talk with your administration, and more. Lesson plan examples are included throughout the book. The purpose of this book is to allow you to learn about tried and true methods for teaching music, gather new ideas for you to try, and provide specific ways to implement those ideas into your classroom. The Afternoon Ti Guide for Teaching Music Journal (purchased separately) allows you to take your learning one step further through journaling, writing personal insights, creating lessons, and looking at the things you love about teaching in a refreshing new light.
  • by Amelia Garbisch

    (35 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Teaching Music in the Virtual Classroom: Elementary Edition contains comprehensive lesson plans and teaching resources designed for distance learning in Elementary Music. Within its pages, you will find tips and strategies to help plan creative lessons using the "CEEMS" method of virtual teaching (collaborate, energize, engage, motivate, support).  Activities include interactive music games, energizing and amusing short activities, and collaborative ideas to help motivate and engage your students.
  • Compiled by David A. Williams

    ( 459 pages) This is an electronic resource for digital download.  This book contains ten curricular settings for guitar classes that are based on learner-centered pedagogical principles. Each class example was created by a pair of undergraduate music education students who were enrolled in a music education methods class designed to build skills in learner-centered techniques. These students were also co-enrolled in an ensemble course where they put their understanding into practice. In addition, they worked with k-12 students in learner-centered practicum settings. While the students lacked full-time teaching experience they were certainly grounded in learner-centered pedagogical concepts. Our hope is that music teachers, at all levels, will find ideas and inspiration in this book. Ideas and inspiration for interesting new music classes that include guitars, and for ways to enhance existing guitar classes. Ideas and inspiration that will stimulate students and help them grow into lifelong music makers.
  • The Oz Ukulele Method

    Purchase this with "The Oz Guitar Method" using the code "theozmethod" at checkout and receive $5 off! This is an eBook for digital download.  This beginning method book teaches chords and strumming for accompanying popular music. The curriculum is based on research in motor skill learning and is accessible to anyone wanting to learn to strum popular songs. The book includes an online video and audio companion.
  • by Amelia Garbisch

    (22 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Orff On a Budget is a book for PreK-8 music educators who try to make the most of a music program on a limited budget.  Within the book, music educators will find detailed arrangements, music activities, chants, movement, and games to help music educators use Orff Schulwerk in classrooms that do not have a traditional instrumentarium or Orff Instruments.


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