By |2021-08-23T06:58:38-05:00July 29th, 2021|music business, Musicians, Stories|

Many musicians love using the word “collaboration,” a scenario that so often results in one party becoming an unpaid subcontractor experiencing minuscule gains for their sole-proprietorship for the sake of another party’s scalability and benefit. Musicians: Be wary of the words, “Let’s collaborate!”  Musicians-to-musician interactions: Take time to [...]

Culturally Responsive Teaching: Using Exit Tickets to Foster Joy

By |2021-06-22T10:08:26-05:00June 21st, 2021|Choir, General Music, Inspiration, Middle school, Series, Stories, Teaching, Teaching Philosophy, The Asterisk, Virtual education|

Today’s Topic:  Culturally responsive teaching with exit tickets (fostering joy) Today’s Tip:   Utilize daily exit tickets for qualitative data that informs your practice. Exit tickets work!  Since the pandemic started, I have been using exit tickets to gauge student engagement and understanding. It started as a [...]

The Asterisk: Representation and Diversifying Visual Aids

By |2021-02-09T10:08:28-05:00February 9th, 2021|Inspiration, Musicians, Stories, Teaching, The Asterisk|

Welcome to The Asterisk*, a new regular column where we’ll chat about diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in music education. An asterisk's function is to quickly give readers a baseline of knowledge so the reader can dive into content. This column aims to introduce or refresh deia concepts [...]

From Self-Published to Oxford

By |2021-01-17T13:11:10-05:00January 15th, 2021|Inspiration, Musicians, Stories, Teaching Philosophy, Writing|

I am passionate about music education, specifically Popular Music Education, Creativity, and Informal Learning. So passionate, in fact, that I have written two books under my own publishing company, Steve's Music Room Publishing, and have been commissioned for a third through the Oxford University Press--yes, that Oxford University [...]

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