Last Minute Gift Guide for the Overwhelmed Music Teacher

Rejecting Common Narratives This last minute music teacher gift guide may be different than what you're thinking. Since transitioning to working at F-flat Books on a more full-time basis, I've been planning out our blog content months in advance. This week, I scheduled a post about our top [...]

Sigur Ros, Burnout, & the Joys of Making a Good Playlist

I have roughly 200 playlists in my Apple Music library. Not the algorithmic ones that our benevolent tech overlords provide for us - my very own creations. 200 of them. Perhaps that’s more than any sane human should have.  Most of them are for me. Some are [...]

Culturally Responsive Teaching: Using Exit Tickets to Foster Joy

Today’s Topic:  Culturally responsive teaching with exit tickets (fostering joy) Today’s Tip:   Utilize daily exit tickets for qualitative data that informs your practice. Exit tickets work!  Since the pandemic started, I have been using exit tickets to gauge student engagement and understanding. It started as a [...]

The Familiar and the Uncertain: Teaching in Fall 2020

THE RUN Last week, I started on my usual 5 AM run. I laced up my shoes, donned all of my safety gear, and started on the route I had planned. I had my Spotify playlist on blast, trying to wake myself up as I took my initial [...]

We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails

Since our schools closed their doors almost five weeks ago, I have been flooded with so many emotions. For a while, I could not really determine what these emotions were. I just knew each day felt different. After reflecting, I began to realize that what I was feeling [...]

Getting Started with Seesaw for General Music Education

The guiding principle of the Kodaly philosophy is that only the best is good enough for a child. When virtual learning becomes the best delivery method for instruction, educators look for innovative ways to maintain quality music education. We land on our feet, and re-imagine some aspects [...]

Teaching Music Online: Strategies and Resources

(Note: this post will continue to be updated with resources as they come in) As I write this post, I am looking at a dozens of text messages from other teachers in my school district. We just received news that we would be closed for at least [...]


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