The Familiar and the Uncertain: Teaching in Fall 2020

By |2020-09-08T06:40:38-05:00September 8th, 2020|Choir, General Music, Inspiration, Middle school, Musicians, Remote music teaching, Stories, Teaching, Teaching Philosophy, Virtual education|

THE RUN Last week, I started on my usual 5 AM run. I laced up my shoes, donned all of my safety gear, and started on the route I had planned. I had my Spotify playlist on blast, trying to wake myself up as I took my initial [...]

Integrating Entrepreneurial Technology into the Music Curriculum

By |2020-07-10T12:29:03-05:00June 9th, 2020|Higher Education, Musicians, Teaching, Virtual education|

Integrating Entrepreneurial Technology into the Music Curriculum The term “music technology” is a vague identifier for a subject that tends to be lumped into the “other” department of study in collegiate and high school-level music programs. Common lesson plans in a music technology course include composing electronic music, [...]

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