From Self-Published to Oxford

By |2021-01-17T13:11:10-05:00January 15th, 2021|Inspiration, Musicians, Stories, Teaching Philosophy, Writing|

I am passionate about music education, specifically Popular Music Education, Creativity, and Informal Learning. So passionate, in fact, that I have written two books under my own publishing company, Steve's Music Room Publishing, and have been commissioned for a third through the Oxford University Press--yes, that Oxford University [...]

Growing Young Professionals: Contracts

By |2021-01-06T21:13:47-05:00January 6th, 2021|growing young professionals, Higher Education, Interviews, Music Service Learning, Musicians, New Teachers|

For this installment of Growing Young Professionals, we will discuss contracts with none other than Dr. Jenny Neff, Associate Professor of Music Education and Director of the MM in Music Education & Summer Music Studies Program at the University of the Arts. So, what are contracts? Most people [...]

The New Normal: Starting a Job During a Pandemic

By |2020-12-15T07:51:25-05:00December 15th, 2020|Drums, Higher Education, Remote music teaching, Series, Stories, Teaching, Teaching Philosophy|

I started a new job this fall at Boston University and I love it. I am an Assistant Professor of Music (Music Education). My job is mostly to work with graduate students on interesting, challenging topics and publish research in my area of expertise. Basically, my dream job [...]

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