Growing Young Professionals: An Introduction

By |2020-11-14T23:19:59-05:00November 14th, 2020|growing young professionals, Higher Education, Musicians, Stories, Teaching|

Hello, and welcome to F-Flat’s new blog, Growing Young Professionals! The purpose of this blog is to answer practical and logistical questions young professionals, more specifically new teachers, have when entering the work environment. Often, the collegiate experience heartily prepares you to teach your subject in a standard [...]

Research to Practice: Using Data for More than Just Grades

By |2020-10-20T08:29:11-05:00October 20th, 2020|Band, Choir, General Music, Orchestra, Research to Practice, Teaching|

I used to think that research was complicated and couldn’t help me in my classroom. I used to see the Music Educators Journal arrive in my mailbox, flip through, sigh, think to myself – “If I only had time….,” and then add the issue to a growing pile on my dining room table. [...]

The “New Normal”: Teaching Elementary Music in Prince Edward Island, Canada

By |2020-09-22T05:51:48-05:00September 21st, 2020|General Music, Remote music teaching, Stories, Teaching, Virtual education|

Heading back to the classroom on Prince Edward Island I love my beautiful province. It is tiny, surrounded by water, and a protected haven from the chaos of our present health crisis. Prince Edward Island has managed to stay safe from community transmission of COVID -19. With [...]

Using Podcasts in Music Education

By |2023-02-23T12:49:11-05:00September 20th, 2020|General Music, Inspiration, Remote music teaching, Series, Stories, Teaching, Teaching Philosophy|

Are you a podcast listener? If so, you have probably listened to a podcast or two about music education. There are so many great examples out there. However, this post is not about music education podcasts (we'll save that for another time). This post is about using podcasts on music [...]

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