This is an eBook for digital download (93 pages) How can you create a student-centered classroom? By getting to know your students through culturally responsive teaching practices. In this practical and engaging release, Lauren and Maria share tried and true culturally responsive strategies and activities for building a student-centered, positive classroom culture drawn from years of experience. Drawing from games, lesson plans, and adaptive activities, this release is great for elementary and middle school music teachers. Dozens of activities are provided that can be repeated throughout the school year as class rosters change, students develop, and interests evolve.
edited by Steve Holley, Kat Reinhert, and Zack Moir
(208 Pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Action-based Approaches in Popular Music Education delves into the practices and philosophies of 26 experienced music educators who understand both the how and the why of popular music education. This edited collection represents the variety, the diversity, and the multiplicity of ideas and approaches to the teaching and learning of popular music. -
by Chelsea Perrine
(65 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. In this book, you will find research to support a well-rounded and focused education for music students with special needs, templates for goal tracking and lesson planning, and suggestions for lessons and units for your students. This adaptive music curriculum is geared towards secondary-level students. This is the second publication in the Kent State Curriculum Series. -
by Patrick K. Cooper and Donna Ream
(78 pages) This is an electronic resource for digital download. This book is meant to provide a working knowledge of the rapidly changing world of artificial intelligence (AI) in art and music education. The goal of this book is to equip art and music educators with foundational AI knowledge and resources that can be used today. Additional guidance is provided for using AI as a personal virtual assistant or to develop an intelligent tutor system for students. All resources include links to help you get started right away! The deluxe version comes with 5 high-res posters that can be printed and used in the classroom. -
by Alecia Hanold
(189 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. An Introductory Music Theory Curriculum provides a way for teachers to make the study of introductory music theory more engaging, collaborative, meaningful, and approachable for high-school level musicians. This book includes an overview of constructivism and constructivist pedagogy as well as full, detailed lesson plans for ten units of study in beginning music theory. This is the first publication in the Kent State Curriculum Series. -
by Patrick K. Cooper and David C. Cooper
( 154 pages) This is an electronic resource for digital download. This book gives readers the knowledge they need to understand, appreciate, and create the art of radio production from broadcast to podcast. Throughout this book will be step-by-step instructions (lesson plans) for how to format and organize your show based on the type of listening experience you are trying to create. Teachers, students, hobbyists, and amateurs will learn how to craft their skills to make professional-quality broadcasts and podcasts to share with the world. -
by Steve Holley
(150 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Coaching a Popular Music Ensemble is a comprehensive guide for the music teacher striving to meet the changing needs of their students, the university music educator examining our current music education paradigm, and the band director trying to expand their school’s music program. Using his broad experiences as an educator and Memphis musician, Holley details the philosophy and approaches he developed to create a culturally responsive, learner-driven popular music program. -
by Sarah Gulish and Victoria Boler
(12 Pages + over 25 pages of editable resources)
This is an eBook for digital download. The purpose of this book is to provide resources for music teachers looking to collect data to better advocate for their programs and reach students. This interactive PDF describes the various types of data, how they can be collected, and how they can be used to create a music program story to share with community members and administrators. Each purchase includes access to a google drive folder with dozens of resources and templates that can be copied and edited, including email templates, google questionnaire forms for students, parents, and colleagues, conversation starters with administrators, sample qualitative stories, sample quantitative stories, and more. -
by Yeshima
This is a PDF for digital download. The purpose of this lesson plan is to present a well-rounded approach to music that engages the learner from multiple perspectives using accessible instruments found around the home, as well as the voice and body percussion. The pedagogy originated from a collection of philosophies found in Orff Schulwerk, Social and Emotional Learning, Community Drum Circles, and Mindfulness. These lessons can be modified for homeschool populations, Non-Traditional Instruction, General Music Classes, and/or community-building events. This PDF includes links to YouTube videos, plans, and materials for a lesson plan centered on Peace! -
How do you incorporate Arabic popular music into the classroom? This comprehensive guide provides research, strategies, and practical steps for singing, dancing, and playing popular Arabic music with your students. Created by Mia Ibrahim with contributions from Ashley Shabankareh and F-flat community members, this resource is being released to honor the life and work of Mia. Proceeds from this resource will go towards the Mia Ibrahim Scholarship Fund, providing tangible opportunities for music educators to experience and learn how to incorporate popular music in their classroom through professional development opportunities.
by Theresa Hoover
(65 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. This book is a one-stop-shop for music teachers looking to get started, or expand their experiences, with technology in the classroom. Help your students see themselves as musicians both inside and outside the music room by empowering them in the ensemble setting. *New in 2023: The updated 2nd edition includes updates to tech tools with new additions for tools in the classroom. -
by Steve Giddings
This is an eBook for digital download. Figurative Language Through Song is for music teachers trying to incorporate songwriting into their classes, or for Language Arts teachers exploring figurative language or song lyrics. This resource is designed to take teacher/facilitators through a tried and tested unit plan on exploring figurative language through its role in song lyrics that is easy to emulate and execute all the while giving learners opportunities to create their own song lyrics and poetry. The eBook’s many components can be edited and altered to fit any facilitator’s particular style or needs. -
by Kat Reinhert and Sarah Gulish
(11 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Do you want to write songs but don't know where to start? Are you an educator looking to incorporate more songwriting in the classroom but don't know how? This resource includes five tips and strategies for getting started with songwriting in the classroom from the authors of Songwriting for Music Educators. -
by Sarah Gulish
This is an eBook for digital download. There is growing evidence that a regular gratitude practice will improve well-being and mental health. However, what does it look like to have a regular classroom gratitude practice? This resource contains 50 journal prompts/discussion questions centered on ten themes of gratitude. The questions are general enough to apply to any music classroom at any age level. -
This is an eBook for immediate download (133 pages) Guide to Teachable Features in Popular Music is a resource for music teachers at all levels. Written by a practicing music teacher who has taught PK-12 music, this book provides thoughtful reflections and concrete examples of teaching basic music theory concepts through popular music. This work includes a decade’s worth of compiled songs with teachable features, so there’s sure to be something for learning at all levels. -
by Doug Large
(60 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Harmony and Composition made easy with NUMU is designed for the academic calendar with exercises, tests, mid-year and final exams. Once a musician understands even a little harmony (how chords are built) and composition (how chords fit together), it sets them free. An in depth study of Harmony & Composition from a ground-breaking, simplified perspective. Music is based on interval formulas. Only NUMU (Number Music) can clearly illustrate these formulas. This eBook comes with a separate PDF containing midterm and final exams! -
by Chelsea Dehner
(67 slides) This is digital resource. This resource provides everything you need to recreate a music performance project for your staff or your students. Through covering John Lennon's Imagine, school staff can build community and connect with their students, whether virtual or in-person. Use the editable files that accompany this tutorial to create meaning and have some fun with those around you! -
by Nathaniel Strawbridge
(19 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. This eBook provides resources and visuals to "keep the drumming" alive in the music curriculum, whether in-person or virtual. Through the lens of Sinte drumming, Nathaniel Strawbridge provides teachers with the tools they need to facilitate drum circle instruction and encourage proper playing technique and sound production through helpful diagrams and a cultural-historical context. -
Compiled by David A. Williams
( 459 pages) This is an electronic resource for digital download. This book contains ten curricular settings for guitar classes that are based on learner-centered pedagogical principles. Each class example was created by a pair of undergraduate music education students who were enrolled in a music education methods class designed to build skills in learner-centered techniques. These students were also co-enrolled in an ensemble course where they put their understanding into practice. In addition, they worked with k-12 students in learner-centered practicum settings. While the students lacked full-time teaching experience they were certainly grounded in learner-centered pedagogical concepts. Our hope is that music teachers, at all levels, will find ideas and inspiration in this book. Ideas and inspiration for interesting new music classes that include guitars, and for ways to enhance existing guitar classes. Ideas and inspiration that will stimulate students and help them grow into lifelong music makers. -
by Danielle Larrick
(32 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Whether you’re a veteran teacher or just entering your teaching career, Middle School General Music: A Guidebook to Navigating the Unkown, will act as a guide to get you through your days. With tips and resources, this book will hopefully open a conversation geared specifically toward middle school general music so that we may continue to grow as musician educators. -
This is an eBook available for digital Download (110 pages) Navigating Music Interpretation through Appreciation is a comprehensive curriculum guide for secondary general music education focused on the studies of musicology, music philosophy, and music theory of music across cultures worldwide and in pop culture. Students learn to compose, perform, analyze, and appreciate music through different perspectives and inclusive discussions focusing on musical identity. This curriculum provides a way for educators to approach teaching through an engaging, collaborative, and critical lens. See full product description below for a full table of contents.
This is an eBook for digital download (50 pages + 26 pg workbook + more!) Create your music program’s legacy with intention. “Planning on Purpose” is a step-by-step guide for music teachers to plot their unique course toward a values-driven music program that truly serves all students with equity and enthusiasm.
This is an eBook for digital download (58 pages) Are you over the monotonous "I sing, you sing" to teach music program repertoire? This book will help you turn that monotony into a vibrant experience as you discover the power of nine practical strategies that will transform your program preparation rehearsals. Learn how to keep young learners engaged and captivated while ensuring you are organized and prepared for your next program. This must-read book is designed to support educators at all stages of their career, offering practical guidance and fresh ideas to elevate your teaching.
by Kat Reinhert and Sarah Gulish
This is an eBook for digital download. If you have ever thought about releasing original music but don't know where to start, this resource is for you! Whether creating your own music or helping students release their own, this quick guide has ten steps for everything you need to release original music from the authors of Songwriting for Music Educators. -
by Sarah Gulish & Danielle Larrick
(20 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Want to know how to achieve a more balanced life as a music teacher? While there is no perfect formula to make life balanced and easy, there are ways in which we can create space and focus to avoid burnout and thrive in our careers. Backed by research and told through the experience of two music educators, this book provides practical tips for music teacher self-care through managing emotions, creating sound spaces, making music fun, outsourcing, and blocking time. -
by Kat Reinhert and Sarah Gulish
(63 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Do you want to write songs but don't know where to start? Are you an educator looking to incorporate more songwriting in the classroom but? This book is for you! From practical strategies to spaces for personal reflection, this interactive eBook provides tools and support for musicians and educators who want to embrace creativity and personal expression. Both Kat and Sarah bring decades of experience as songwriters and songwriting teachers to this important text. This download comes with links to dozens of additional resources. -
A Resource for You & Your Musicians
This is a digital resource.Want to engage your musicians in songwriting but don’t know where to start? This resource is for you! Get your musicians in a songwriter mindset with a step-by-step guide to create their own original song. From brainstorming ideas to branding and sharing songs, this resource will walk you through each step and provide you with the necessary resources and assessment tools. It can easily be adapted for in-person or virtual instruction. -
by Gareth Dylan Smith
69 Pages This is an eBook for digital download. This book is aimed at intermediate to more advanced drummers. Written by a seasoned professional drummer and drum educator from London, England, Sound Advice for Drummers provides tips and provocations about practising, performing, rehearsing, recording and creating music from behind the drums. It is an essential read for aspiring professional drummers. -
by Sarah Gulish, Danielle Larrick, Rosie Wilson, Gabe Romero, Emma Rolecki, and Peyton Beebe
This is an eBook for digital download with editable student worksheets. This resource was created as a collaboration between F-flat Books and the podcast, Switched on Pop (SOP). Intended for secondary-level music classrooms, students explore elements of popular music and create original work based on specific themes. This resource includes a teaching guide and editable student worksheets. -
by Michelle Rose
( 82 pages + dozens of downloadable files) This is an eBook for digital download. When Michelle Rose first started teaching music online, she felt like she went straight back to her first year of teaching and there wasn’t much guidance available for K-12 music educators, especially in regards to performance ensembles. Teaching Music Online: A Comprehensive Guide for K-12 Music Educators is full of everything Michelle learned during her experience of teaching music at a full time virtual school. Her book is a balance of practical advice, innovative teaching strategies, and educational philosophy designed to help teachers transition into online music education. -
by Benjamin Taylor and Joseph Sowa
(23 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Creativity and collaboration in the classroom is easier and more fun than you might think. The creative exercises and improvisational games collected in Teaching Music Creativity were designed to help students of all abilities feel comfortable in improvising and creating new music. They have been road tested by the Music Creators Academy and are now being used as a resource by band, choir, and orchestra directors with great success. -
by Jessica Grant
(110 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Use the code "tifortwo" at checkout and receive $5 off this journal when purchased with the accompanying Afternoon Ti Book. The Afternoon Ti Guide for Teaching Music Journal allows you to take your music education experience one step further as you apply what you learn in the book The Afternoon Ti Guide for Teaching Music. You'll spend time reflecting through journaling, writing personal insights, creating lessons, and looking at the things you love about teaching in a refreshing new light. -
by Jessica Grant
(177 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. Bundle and Save! Use the code "tifortwo" at checkout and receive $5 off the accompanying Afternoon Ti Guide to Teaching Music: Journal. Whether you are a first-year teacher or have been teaching for many years, The Afternoon Ti Guide for Teaching Music has practical applications you can use for your personal teaching situation. Jessica shares what she has learned as an elementary and middle school general music teacher and provides guidance on incorporating fresh ideas into your classroom. You’ll read about numerous areas pertaining to music education including music approaches, time management and organization tips, rehearsal and performance preparation ideas, using technology in the classroom, how to talk with your administration, and more. Lesson plan examples are included throughout the book. The purpose of this book is to allow you to learn about tried and true methods for teaching music, gather new ideas for you to try, and provide specific ways to implement those ideas into your classroom. The Afternoon Ti Guide for Teaching Music Journal (purchased separately) allows you to take your learning one step further through journaling, writing personal insights, creating lessons, and looking at the things you love about teaching in a refreshing new light. -
by Sarah Gulish
(47 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. The Comprehensive Beginning Guitar Curriculum is a must-read for any music educator tasked with teaching a modern guitar class. This detailed text provides philosophy, unit plans, and resources for the development and execution of a relevant and engaging guitar program. INCLUDES: • video examples • classroom handouts & assessments • a space for typing notes directly into the PDF -
by S. Elias James
(102 pages) This is an eBook for digital download. The Music Tech Student is a compendium of information covering every major music technology topic. It’s a concise and unbiased look at the basics without leaving anything out. You’ll find it’s a fantastic trove of just the right answers to the most common questions from topics including careers, the nature of sound, acoustics, recording studios, DAWs, electronic music, audio processing, live sound, and marketing. -
Purchase this with "The Oz Ukulele Method" using the code "theozmethod" at checkout to receive $5 off! This is an eBook for digital download. This beginning method book teaches chords and strumming for accompanying popular music. The curriculum is based on research in motor skill learning and is accessible to anyone wanting to learn to strum popular songs. The book includes online video and audio companion.