Viral teaching: How the coronavirus has changed my work

By |2020-02-18T14:16:30-05:00February 18th, 2020|Choir, General Music, Inspiration, Middle school, Stories, Teaching, Teaching Philosophy, Virtual education|

The start of corona It would be extremely difficult to turn on the TV, radio, or even YouTube without seeing some form of announcement or article about the novel coronavirus -- not so lovingly called “corona” for short by some of us who have found ourselves closest to [...]

Research in action: Student perceptions of a composition project within a concert band setting

By |2022-07-22T16:36:35-05:00January 28th, 2020|Band, Higher Education, Instumental, Musicians, Orchestra, Research, Teaching, Writing|

Background This past year, I spent a lot of my time investigating and researching student perceptions of  composition projects that they were completing in their band class. This research was for my master’s field project but the entire process was incredibly enlightening and informative. The research showed [...]

You teach what?!: Music education in virtual schools

By |2020-01-14T15:01:19-05:00January 14th, 2020|Band, Choir, General Music, Inspiration, Middle school, Musicians, Stories, Teaching, Teaching Philosophy, Virtual education|

Virtual Education When I tell people I teach music at a virtual school, they often have a hard time wrapping their heads around how it all works. My school has no physical school building. All of the teachers, students, and staff go to school via computer. Yes, I [...]

Music Beyond the Classroom: Interview with Violist and Social Media Influencer, ThatViolaKid

By |2020-01-12T12:34:40-05:00January 12th, 2020|Interviews, Music Beyond the Classroom, Musicians, Series|

When I told my students I was interviewing Drew Alexander Forde for my blog (AKA ThatViolaKid), their jaws dropped. One even said, “Wow. You’re not a boomer!” Drew, a dynamic personality and incredible musician, has won over music fans with his engaging social media presence. A Juilliard [...]

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