Student-Centered Repertoire Selection Part I: Programming Pre-Written Pieces

By |2022-10-19T10:13:48-05:00October 19th, 2022|Band, Choir, Instumental, Musicians, Orchestra, Stories, Teaching, Teaching Philosophy|

Ah, rep selection. Some music teachers become giddy at the thought of programming a concert or selecting new repertoire each season. Still, there are others of us that struggle when it comes to rep selection and can feel paralyzed at the number of choices in our midst. So [...]

Why Self-Care and Rest Should be a Priority to College Music Majors

By |2021-12-14T07:40:06-05:00December 3rd, 2021|growing young professionals, Inspiration, Music Service Learning, Musicians, Stories, Teaching, Teaching Philosophy|

As a Music Education major, I am not a stranger to the extraneous workload, unbalanced and crazy class schedules, and a lack of clarity in when/how to take breaks. It can be argued that music degree programs are some of the most demanding in the University curriculum. [...]

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