Leveraging AI for Quizzes in the Music Classroom

Assessment as Data  One of the core memories from my undergraduate experience was in my assessment course taught by Dr. Darrel Walters at Temple University. On one mind-blowing morning circa 2006, he proposed that, as teachers, assessment was a tool to measure how well we taught our students. [...]

Setting the Stage: Using Technology to Give Every Student a Voice

The start of a new school year is the perfect time to create a foundation where students have a voice in the music classroom. Students are excited to start fresh and learn new things, and they are also eager to share their ideas and opinions. By giving students [...]

Culturally Responsive Teaching: Using Exit Tickets to Foster Joy

Today’s Topic:  Culturally responsive teaching with exit tickets (fostering joy) Today’s Tip:   Utilize daily exit tickets for qualitative data that informs your practice. Exit tickets work!  Since the pandemic started, I have been using exit tickets to gauge student engagement and understanding. It started as a [...]

The “New Normal”: Running a Popular Music Program in Australia

Like most, if not all, music institutions around the world, the lockdown resulting from COVID-19 necessitated a swift move of all of our teaching to online, and a consequent steep learning curve especially for instrumental and ensemble teachers who had never had to operate in that kind of [...]

The “New Normal”: Teaching Elementary Music in Prince Edward Island, Canada

Heading back to the classroom on Prince Edward Island I love my beautiful province. It is tiny, surrounded by water, and a protected haven from the chaos of our present health crisis. Prince Edward Island has managed to stay safe from community transmission of COVID -19. With [...]

The Familiar and the Uncertain: Teaching in Fall 2020

THE RUN Last week, I started on my usual 5 AM run. I laced up my shoes, donned all of my safety gear, and started on the route I had planned. I had my Spotify playlist on blast, trying to wake myself up as I took my initial [...]

A Newfound Purpose as a Black Teacher in China

During the onset of the virus, I became stuck in the United States, unable to go back to my home in China. It was during this time that the world - and specifically the US - seemed to be overwhelmed with injustices. Our social media feeds were filled [...]

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